Website Gamification Guide
Read time approx: 9 minutesWhat is Gamification? Well, in the case of Website gamification we are referring to adding game-like elements to engage/drive users to do some activity and be rewarded with some kind of visual or status element.
Gamification Guide
Many sites do this with badges, collections, stars and profile decoration such as status symbols, something like a bronze, silver or gold level or profile, all driven from things like profile completeness, number of certain actions taken or the type of site user you are and how much you contribute to the business.
In return for these achievements the user not only has a visual status but they invested their time. A sense of satisfaction because they went through some steps and got a reward. This leads to an increase in retention and it makes the user feel like the experience is improved because something has been earned/rewarded.
Regardless of its size and the complexities, any business on the web knows how to leverage technologies, visual elements, and methods to attract users, yet still they struggle to keep a user interested in their offering.
By filling in any gaps that can enhance their experience or by encouraging a specific behaviour, the business can focus users attention in a fun and playful way.
Depending on the business goal keeping users on your website, in front of you products, or using your service is always at the forefront of marketing and analytics. After all, you paid in one form or another to acquire users so maximise on that return.
Remember, we are not talking about a high end first person shooter, a full on 3D race track game or the latest online RPG, we are talking about the elements of these games, such as levels/badges/collections and achievements to make users feel rewarded for their input using game style mechanics.
Let's look at how we can improve the website experience, make it more enjoyable, interactive and immersive.
Input Drivers
First up, Input Driven Rewards are, in essence, a way to reward a user for entering some data. One of the most popular genres by far, and I am sure you have all done this on other sites. From filling in your profile, reviewing some places you went, commenting on articles - all of which give back some kind of status reward visually.
Example: After you review a place you ate you are told you did a great job, helped others and add a couple more places you went and you will be a bronze contributor. Shortly after a period of inactivity on that site you will be told how a number of people have read your reviews and found them helpful, so keep going and add more.
This type of motivator makes the user feel like they are recognised, helpful, noted for being a knowledgeable person. In short, you are now popular and influenced others choices, a little bit of power to sway people to your way of thinking.
In reality, you are building content for that business to get extra SEO, traffic and in turn, more users on their site. You basically became an employee/marketer for their site and all that for a little image.
Social Drivers
Instead of adding content why not tell your friends? Social elements like the number of unique shares/re-posts/links you distribute again earn you some kind of kudos. in return the company gets a lot of back-links, social awareness, activity and on social platforms you need people to discuss items and comment/like/share in order for their to be fresh activity for the consumer user (Readers).
Incorporate interactive elements and bring life to static websites, adding share tools in almost a standard component if your business needs the word-of-mouth type activities.
Appointment rewards
Using different elements or mechanics to engage users on a regular basis is more familiar than some might think. The concept has been around for decades and quite simply requires a user to turn up at your site for the next item of reward.
Daily Bonus game - Every time a user signs into the site they get one more reward, usually a few rewards build into a big prize of notable value for your user on your site. A discount, free merchandise, discount codes and so on.
The appointment rewards the business with an on site user who, now on site, can be funnelled to a goal for the business, a sales page or latest products etc.
Loyalty scheme
Games and playful concepts have been emerging even with loyalty. If you are part of the club, inside the knowledge circle, you can get access to things like discounts or early releases, maybe even exclusive content. Different sites have different drivers but under the hood, adding a progress bar or simple one click game adds a sense of achievement making the give away have even more value as it was earned in the users perspective.
The heart of gamification lies in tapping into the innate human drive for competition, achievement, and rewards. This can involve integrating reward structures, accomplishment stages, and subtle feedback loops while utilising a game mechanic like points, badges, challenges, and levels.
Adding game-like elements helps websites align users interests with the intrinsic motivations of various gaming mechanics to keep them coming back and even recommend them to their social circles. It is a motivational strategy to encourage users to complete tasks, achieve goals, and take specific actions.
Adding gamification to your website has proven to be an effective strategy to drive user engagement and increase user retention. Digital platforms significantly gained broader audiences and an increase in the access to online content. If they are not on your site, they are on someone else's site.
Get in touch and see how we can help you gamify and create some engaging mechanics to achieve these results.